Energy is extracted from the ground, which gains its energy from the sun and rain. The pump transmits the energy into the building, where it heats both the hot water cylinder and the rooms.
Either radiators or alternatively an underfloor heating system can be used together with this type of pump.
Carefully installed by us, ground sourse heating will run reliably with little maintenance and can supply up to 4.5kWs of heat energy for every kW of electricity.
3 Hydraulic Systems Extract This Energy
Closed Loops of pipe laid in trenches giving out /back runs, filled with glycol.
20 years expected life, reliable heating system, low maintenance.
Government Financial Incentives
Quality Equipment Installed By Us
As an installer, we stay up to date with the latest equipment available on the market and advise you as to the most suitable option for your property. As a company, we have strategic partnerships with our suppliers are in direct contact with the likes of Mitsubishi, Samsung UK and Viesmann. We install systems which provide reliable and robust service with little need for maintenance, including engineered hydraulics and hot water cylinders.